Somewhere between Rihanna and the Dalai Lama is where you’ll find me…
she’s beauty and the beast
audio vision boards
my latest reflections

she’s beauty & the beast
Conversations focused on our relationships with self, God, Instagram, the kitchen, lust and more. All in effort to dig up the meaningful lessons within our humanful experiences.
Audio Vision Boards
This is how I remix affirmations. Audio vision boards are created to reset our zig zaggy minds. They’re kinda like guided meditations. Kinda like your favorite vibe-y playlist. Mainly like a perspective-shifting, energy-resetting, beat-bumping, self-care picker upper. This is the work I’m most proud of.
What it do. I’m Tracy G.
And wellness artist is the best all-encompassing title that suits me right now.
Everything I create—whether that be through storytelling, audio vision boards, workout video diaries, iPhone wallpapers, tipsy and transparent moments on IG Live— is my attempt at making empowering art out of what can often be a challenging life…